June 20, 2022


My husband is a Talmid Chochom and learns all day. I want to make sure that he also learns the hidden dimension of Torah (Zohar, Arizal, etc.) though, because I read that if a person doesn’t learn all of the parts of Torah, including even the hidden and esoteric areas of Torah, he will need to come back in a different lifetime in order to learn those parts of Torah that he didn’t learn. In light of this, I am trying to get my husband to add on learning “Zohar” to his Gemara sessions. My husband wants me to show him sources that say he must do this. Can the Rav guide me to any sources about this matter? Or, am I not supposed to be getting involved in his learning?


Generally a wife is not supposed to involved in what her husband is learning, whether he is learning Gemara bekiyus, Gemara b’iyun, halachah, agadta, kaballah, etc. There are only rare instances in which a husband involves his wife in what he is learning and he is happy to include her in it. This only happens where the couple has a very unique and strong relationship with each other. A wife’s role is to daven for her dear husband that he should completely reach his unique share in the Torah.