June 20, 2022


I have heard most of the Rav’s shiurim on the topic of “Rosh Chodesh” (the series of Rosh Chodesh Avodah, the series Mahus-Essence of Rosh Chodesh, the series Mazal Rosh Chodesh, and most of the series on Shevet-Tribe of Rosh Chodesh). I want to know what the purpose of these shiurim is.
I also want to know if this is a specific ladder of spiritual growth to take (and if it is, then it seems that a person should begin from the month of Nissan, which is called the ‘head’ of the months).
If someone was born in a certain month, does this mean that his main avodah is reflected by the essence, mazal and tribe, and personal avodah represented by that particular month? For example, if someone was born in the month of Sivan, does this mean that his main avodah is more closely connected with the mazal of Sivan, which is “twins”, and to the tribe of that month, which is the tribe Reuven?
Also, are these shiurim a specific order for one to take, one step after the other, or is there no particular order to this series?


There is a unique mazal for every day, a different mazal every hour, and a different mazal for every month. Each mazal is a “garment” of the soul. There is a way to serve Hashem through the very essence of the soul, and this is primary spiritual level of the Jewish people, for the Sages state that “There is no mazal governing the Jewish people.” There is also a way to serve Hashem through the garments of the soul, and that is by way of the mazalos.
These shiurim [on Rosh Chodesh Mahut, Mazal, Shevet, and Avodah] were given according to the order of the Hebrew months, but one does not need to go in this order specifically. It is rather a possible method of avodah for one who seeks to serve Hashem based on the avodah of the particular month, which is according to the system of mazal. There are many different systems within Creation, and therefore there are many different systems of avodas Hashem . Therefore, the way to serve Hashem according to the monthly mazal is only one of these many systems.
What is the special significance of being born on a certain festival (Yom Tov)? Does it mean that the person’s soul is meant to learn more Torah regarding about that particular festival?
The Gra in the end of Safra D’Tzniyusa says that the concept of being born at a certain time means that this particular time is a “vessel” and “garment” for the soul. This doesn’t mean that a person bears an intrinsic connection with the time of the year he is born in, but the time he is born in should certainly be viewed as a tool and garment for one’s soul [it can aid a person in reaching his purpose]. So it is proper for one to learn the words of Torah about the time period that he has been born in [i.e. if he was born in Nissan or on Pesach, he should spend more time learning about Nissan and Pesach, etc.] but it should only be viewed as a vessel and garment for one’s soul [so it should not be turned into one’s main learning], in the proper amount which the garment requires [if for example he has been born on Pesach, he should learn properly about Pesach, and if he has been born on Purim, he should learn about Purim as much as is necessary for this learning, etc].