June 20, 2022


1) Is it possible that the Rav’s words about subjects such as the Erev Rav, the severity of Internet use and how this is all the 50th level of tumah which prevents a person from Geulah and Olam HaBa, and how much we need to separate from evil today, and the entire spiritual state of the generation today - is this all coming from a viewpoint of middas hadin, from the level of the Infinite Light (ohr EinSof) after the tzimtzum which allows for middas hadin, which judges the wicked, a viewpoint that is coming from the Ten Sefiros which are all within middas hadin or hanhagas hamishpat? When the Rav speaks against Erev Rav and internet use, is this all a form of hamtakas hadinim, of mitigating the harsh judgments upon the world, which the Rav is expressing by disparaging the evil in our world today? And if the above assumption is true, is it possible that there is a higher viewpoint, in which there is no evil at all, because there is only the Elokus of Hashem and nothing else - the view that comes from the level of Hashem’s Infinite Light (ohr EinSof) before the tzimtzum, which is “a world that is entirely good”, where all evil is nothing but imagination since there is only Hashem, Ain Od Milvado? And in that viewpoint, there is only middas harachamim, Hashem’s endless compassion that He has on all of His creations, without exception? What my question leads up to is: Why does the Rav teach us to view everything from a viewpoint of middas hadin, which is limited to the view of the Ten Sefiros, which judges all of Creation? What about the perspective of middas harachamim, which comes from above the Ten Sefiros, the level of Infinite Light before the tzimtzum, which is the GaR D’Atik, which is the view of endless compassion on all of the creations, where there is no evil in the world and where we instead seeing the true world, which is the “world that is entirely good”? Certainly the Rav speaks truth, but aren’t there two levels of truth, a level of truth that comes from middas hadin and also a more inner level of truth which comes from the middas harachamim…?


Yes! There is a higher view, which comes from the Infinite Light (ohr EinSof). But we always need both the lower view, which is the perspective of the created beings (nivraim) as well as the higher view, the perspective from the Creator’s point of view (Nivra). When we are dealing with people, the nivraim (created beings), we need to emphasize the lower view, which is the fact that everyone must do teshuvah and be careful not to sin. When we turn to Hashem in prayer, that is the time when we need to enter into the higher perspective [where there is only Hashem’s point of view alone].
2) In relation to the above question, what should we tell people (even bnei Torah) who don’t like to hear anything negative and they don’t want to hear about “What is the reason for all of the challenges and suffering (tzaros) that are happening?” and they don’t want to hear about what we all need to fix. Instead they only want to hear words of chizuk (encouragement). Does this come from a lack of being truthful? Or does it come from the fact that their shoresh haneshamah (soul root) is chessed (lovingkindness, and the element of water, the right line) or rachamim (compassion, the element of wind, the middle line), and therefore they can’t handle gevurah (judgment, the element of fire, the left line)?
Sometimes people don’t want to hear truth either (1) because they don’t recognize the truth, (2) Or because they don’t want to recognize the truth, or (3) because they have a different shoresh neshamah [as mentioned in the question].
However, the level of the generation today is part of the highest spiritual illumination called “Atik”, and therefore the perspective of truth is shining more strongly today. But even when it comes to the inner perspective that comes from the “Atik” [there are 2 levels: The Arikh within Atik, and then Atik itself], so it is possible to view the perspective of Atik from the “Arikh” within Atik, and understand this well.