Women & Hisbodedus [#228]

February 12, 2018


In previous generations, did women do hisbodedus?


This is a proper question. All of our prophets did hisbodedus (Sefer HaMaspik L’Ovdei Hashem). Chazal say there were seven women prophetesses, and there were others who came after them too. So there were definitely women who did hisbodedus (Megillah 14a). Is it for all women to practice? The answer, clearly, is no. It was not for all women; it was only a way for the women who were prophetesses. This was the case in previous generations.

In recent times, however, women are much more involved with the materialistic side to life, in addition to being bombarded by running the home and raising the children; therefore, in our times, if a woman wants to truly serve Hashem, it is necessary for her to know how to disconnect from the world and connect to an inner place in herself.

Again, to emphasize, the way of hisbodedus that was presented here (in the Inner Silence Series) is not for all women. I have only given these shiurim because it has been requested of me to give shiurim on this topic. But this does not imply at all that hisbodedus is meant for all women to practice. I have said many times in the past that there is never any one way to serve HaKadosh Baruch Hu; there are many ways to serve Him.

The main purpose in giving this series was because there are many people who are in any case doing hisbodedus, so there is a need for those people to hear what the inner way of hisbodedus is. And I will say this again: is not the only way that exists to serve Hashem.