What is A Good Niggun to Listen To? [#157]

February 6, 2018


What is considered a good niggun to listen to?


Any niggun that was composed by a tzaddik from generations ago. Even if it is sung by someone from today, as long as it was composed by a tzaddik, it’s better to listen to. Even better than this is to listen to a tzaddik singing a song; it’s hard to find such a tape, but it is available.

The older the music is, the closer to holiness it is. In more recent times, the niggunim of Rav Moshe Shmuel Shapiro zt”l are considered to be the best songs to listen to. Rav Wolbe zt”l said that these songs are extremely holy. There is no music on it, however, just words. You can hear them on Kol HaLashon. You can also buy the songs of Rav Baruch Ber Levovitz zt”l in the sefarim stores which are from many years ago. These are very holy niggunim.