The Rav’s Other Series [#2303]

March 31, 2019


The Rav has said that the “Da Es” series should be learned in correspondence with the “Bilvavi” series. Recently the Rav has written a response on the order of the “Bilvavi”, “Da Es” and “Four Elements” series. But what is order that the Rav’s other shiurim should be learned in, such as the Rav’s commentary on the holy sefarim, and the shiurim about Yiras Hashem, Ahavas Hashem, etc.? Is there any order to these shiurim, and is one supposed to learn these shiurim in correspondence with the Bilvavi, Da Es, and Four Elements series? For example, should one learn the Rav’s shiurim about Yiras Hashem only when he is working on the stage of “yirah” when learning about that stage in sefer “Bilvavi”? Is one supposed to learn the Rav’s shiurim about ahavas Hashem only when he gets to working on the stage of ahavas Hashem in sefer “Bilvavi”, or can he learn about it even when he’s working on a previous stage, such as emunah in Divine Providence?
Much thanks to the Rav, for everything.


With siyata d’shmaya I will try here to present the idea and the general order of these shiurim, but, individually speaking, each person will have a different order to learn them in. One will also need to apply the matters to his avodah on a practical level, after having studied them in-depth.

The series entitled Tefillah תפילה and The Weekly Shmuess שיחת השבוע both present fundamental and practical perspectives of avodas Hashem with each shiur focusing on one particular point.

The shiurim on Mesillas Yesharim מסילת ישרים explain this fundamental and practical sefer which the Gra advised to use as our guide for avodas Hashem. These shiurim focus on an inner perspective which hopefully leads to practical change. Additionally, one can integrate the shiurim on Chovos HaLevovos חובות הלבבות into this series.

Yirah and ahavah are the roots of all branches in our avodah. They are explained in the shiurim of "Maarachos B’Yiras Hashem" מערכות ביראת השם and “Maarachos B’Ahavas Hashem” .מערכות באהבת השם

In contrast with this, learning Torah and d’veykus are the actual “body” of our avodas Hashem. To make the most out of our Torah learning, one should listen to the shiurim of י “Getting To Know Your Way In Torah Learning הלימוד דע את תורתך – דרכ and the shiurim on the sefer Nefesh HaChaim – Gate IV  נפש החיים שער.

The shiurim on sefer Derech Hashem  דרך ה', Daas Tevunos  דעת תבונות and נפש החיים Nefesh HaChaim describe the inner perspective on Creation and its purpose. This is also the purpose of the series on Fundamentals of Faith of the Rambam  דע את אמונתך.

For those who are taking the Chassidic path, it is recommended to listen to the shiurim on sefer Tanya תניא and to read the sefer "Lahav Aish."

These shiurim describes an inner, fundamental perspective on our avodah from the perspective of the soul:

  1. Guide to Detachment and Simplicity מורה הפרישות ומדריך הפשיטות
  2. Nefesh HaChaim – Gate III נפש החיים שער ג
  3. HaMaspik L’Ovdei Hashem – Solitude” ספר המספיק לעבודי השם

For those who want to enter into the world of deep Torah thought, they should first learn the shiurim of :

  1. Aggadta – Derech Binyan אגדות השס בדרך בנין
  2. Encyclopedia on “Avodas Hashem בלבביפדיה–עבודת השם
  3. Sugyos B’Yiras Hashem סוגיות ביראת השם
  4. Sugyos B’Ahavas Hashem סוגיות באהבת השם
  5. Encyclopedia” on “Machshavah” בלבביפדיה–מחשבה
  6. Pirkei Avos (as explained by the Maharal)– פרק א' פרקי אבות,
  7. Mishlei משלי,
  8. Aggadta–First Mishna in Brochos משנה ראשונה בברכות - אגדתא
  9. Parshas HaShavua פרשת השבוע
  10. Baal Shem Tov בעל שם טוב
  11. Moreh Nevuchim מורה נבוכים

For those who want to enter into the hidden parts of Torah: They should learn the shiurim on

  1. Beginner shiurim on sefer Eitz Chaim עץ חיים למתחילים
  2. Pischei Shearim פתחי שערים
  3. Kelach Pischei Chochmah קלח פתחי חכמה
  4. Sefer Yetzirah ספר יצירה
  5. In-depth shiurim on sefer Eitz Chaim עץ חיים בעיון
  6. Reshash רש"ש