I am searching for a sefer, or perhaps several sefarim, which can give me a greater understanding of the Yomim Noraim. I am not looking for a sefer that gives chizuk (inspiration) or a sefer of mussar shmuessen, or ideas. I am looking for a deep sefer which analyzes Yomim Noraim and takes it apart. Also I am not yet on the level of learning Kaballah, because I am still young, and I have no relevance to that kind of learning.
1. sefer Pachad Yitzchok (ספר פחד יצחק על ימים נוראים)
2. sefer Tallei Chaim (ספר טללי חיים על ימים נוראים)
3. sefer Beis Ginzai (there are some sections there which deal with Kaballah, so you can skip those particular sections.) (ספר בית גנזי)
4. The sefarim of Rav Shlomo Brevda zt”l (ספרי ר' שלמה ברוודה זצ"ל)
5. Sefer Bnei Yissocher, in the section “Maamarei Chodesh Tishrei” (ספר בני יששכר- "מאמרי חודש תשרי")
6. The shiurim of R’ Moshe Shmuel Shapiro zt”l [sefer Afikei Yam] (שיעורים של ר' משה שמואל שפירא זצ"ל [כגון ספר "אפיקי ים"].