October 8, 2021


1) What does it mean that a person is called cheilek eloka mimaal, “a portion of G-d, from above”? Does it mean literally [that we are a piece of Hashem]? 2) Also, is only a Jew’s soul “a portion from G-d from above” or is it also true about the soul of a goy? And if a goy is also a cheilek eloka mimaal than what’s the difference between the soul of a Jew and a gentile?


1) Cheilek eloka mimaal (a portion of G-d from above) does not mean that we a part of the very havayah (Existence or Reality) of His amitus (His truthful Existence), but that we are a part of His giluy, His revelation – we are part of the revelation of His ohr EinSof (infinite light), and everything is included in it (in His ohr EinSof). 2) However, in a Jew’s soul this concept (of being integrated in His infinite light) is revealed at the root of all their souls, whereas by a gentile it is not [it is not revealed].