41 Questions Of 15-Year Old Bochur On Avodas Hashem [#15732]

October 11, 2021


1) Does a person need to give up some of his ruchniyus for his friend?


Yes. Chazal said “It is worth it to commit a small sin to benefit your friend”. And when it comes to Torah learning, the Chasam Sofer said that a person has an obligation to give a tenth of his learning time by learning with another to help him. In general, as long as you can return afterwards to your own growth and it’s only a bit of a bother to you to help another’s ruchniyus, that is what you should do, but if helping another in his ruchniyus is getting in the way of your growth then you are not obligated to help the other.
2) On Shabbos Kodesh when a person desires to eat a certain food he is supposed to stop himself and say “L’Kavod Shabbos Kodesh” before eating it. Isn’t he fooling himself by saying that he’s eating out of honor for the Shabbos? Isn’t he just eating to satisfy his craving? How can one know if he’s doing the ratzon Hashem by eating it or if he’s just listening to the yetzer hora?
The advice of the Shelah HaKadosh is that one should just taste a bit of the food in honor of Shabbos.
3) How does a person learn Torah with pnimiyus, with his heart? How does a person come close to Hashem through learning?
Learn Nefesh HaChaim Shaar IV, and our series of shiurim on it.
4) Are we supposed to remind ourselves every half hour that Hashem exists, even in middle of learning? Do we need just to think about it quickly or do we need to analyze it deeply ? And if we do need to analyze it, what points should we think deeply into?
The Nefesh HaChaim’s view is that one should not think about Hashem while he is in learning, and the Baal Shem Tov held that a person should. Even according to the Baal Shem Tov, a person should just think about Hashem and not think so deeply about it.
5) It seems that the Litvish path of avodas Hashem is to just learn Torah all day and not be involved with trying to study what yiras Hashem and ahavas Hashem is. Is that a valid derech in avodas Hashem?
I don’t know of such a derech in avodas Hashem – only those who learn Torah lishmah can be zocheh to everything by just learning Torah all day.
6) Sefer Igra D’Kallah says there are 12 ways of serving Hashem, based on the 12 tribes. How can a person know what his way of avodas Hashem needs to be?
One first needs to become clear about his personal soul’s abilities, as explained in our sefer on Self-Recognition and Self-Actualization. Then he should analyze the concept of each of the 12 paths and see how they correspond to different powers of the soul. This can take years to figure out. In the beginning of one’s way, one should choose which ever path he desires (after figuring out which path is most appropriate to his particular abilities), along with tefillah to Hashem that he should be helped.
7) Should a person always daven a long Shemoneh Esrei, or based on whatever he is in the mood of, either a short or long Shemoneh Esrei?
It depends on the circumstances. When a person feels that he wants to daven quicker, he should first double-check himself if perhaps it’s coming from laziness. It also depends on one’s personality.
8) What should a person do when he’s in a time of katnus (low level inspiration and he feels ‘out of it’)? Should he continue to learn even though he feels burnt out and he should try to pull himself together, or should he learn sefarim that awaken more yiras Hashem and ahavas Hashem?
He should determine for himself a schedule of learning for his “normal” days and he should also determine a lighter schedule of learning for himself for when he will be in a time of katnus. And, during katnus, a person should learn whatever he wants.
9) If a 15-year old bochur feels that he is a very big baal gaavah (conceited) does he need to work on gaavah? I saw that Rav Wolbe zt”l said that bochurim shouldn’t work on gaavah. What then should a bochur do if he’s a baal gaavah?
It’s better to wait on it, unless the gaavah is really glaring. I suggest learning the sefer on Self-Actualization (Hakarah Atzmis) so that you can learn how to identify what your best ability is, and only after figuring that our can you work on yourself properly.
10) Is it problem if a person has a low self-image and doesn’t think good of himself? And how does a person fix this issue?
Yes, it’s a problem, because it is a sign that a person doesn’t recognize himself well, and even worse, it brings a person to sadness and lowliness and this will prevent him from growing in avodas Hashem. The Sefer Tanya says that if a person thinks of himself as a rasha, he will feel low in his eyes and he won’t be able to grow in serving Hashem.
11) I do certain chumros because I’m afraid, and not because I love Hashem so much. Should I continue to do these chumros?
Be machmir only a bit and doesn’t be fully machmir.
12) Chazal said that there’s no obligation to judge favorably someone who is a rasha. I have a tendency to judge others and think that the other person is a rasha. How can I work on this?
Discover a good quality in every Jew.
13) Is it a bad thing to eat candies and sweet treats?
If you feel a need to relax, you can taste something sweet.
14) Is it necessary for a person to clarify philosophy matters in order to strengthen his emunah?
There is no necessity !
15) Why shouldn’t a 15-year old bochur learn until he is totally exhausted? And at what age should a person learn with such diligence until he’s totally exhausted?
That is a dangerous path which has left many victims and only a few who took this path succeeded. There is no age when a person should start learning until he’s exhausted. Rather, when one matures in his soul, the danger for him is a bit less (through it’s still a big danger for him).
16) The Ramchal says that when a person learns Torah shelo lishmah, he is ruining the upper worlds. Why then do people learn Torah shelo lishmah?
Hashem first created worlds and destroyed them (the worlds of Tohu), until He created our world, the world of Tikkun. People mimic the same process – there is first a “shell that comes before the fruit”. And Chazal said that a person doesn’t acquire the truth of a halachah unless he first stumbles in it. (But a person has to make sure that everything he does is within the bounds of halachah.)
17) What are the thoughts that a person should think when he’s starting to learn?
To strongly want to connect to the true level of Torah, with a yearning in one’s heart along with an intellectual grasp.
18) What does it mean that the Shechinah has pain? If the Shechinah is Hashem’s presence then how can the Shechinah be missing anything, since Hashem is perfect?
Hashem is the Root of all bestowal, while the Shechinah is the root where the creations begin to receive from Hashem. Thus anything which the creations are lacking causes pain to the Shechinah, for the Shechinah is their root.
19) Does it help to daven for yiras shomayim?
20) Does a very emotional kind of person have a different way of serving Hashem than those who are “colder” and more rational who don’t get so emotional? And if yes, what is the way of serving Hashem for a more emotional kind of person?
Yes. He should awaken his emotions to anything that’s important. But he must stay balanced with his intellect, and he should make sure not to do things more precision.
21) Is knowing and internalizing that “there is a Creator” the same thing as contemplating how there is both a Creator and His created beings?
These are two different contemplations. There is the truth of His Havayah, and there is also the fact that he is the Borei, the Creator, in relation to all of that which He created.
22) Should a person say im yirtzeh Hashem (if Hashem wants)?
23) What is the difference between thinking of Hashem throughout the day with thinking that we are standing before the King when we are davening Shemoneh Esrei?
During the day, you should only pause your thoughts every so often to think about how Hashem is in front of us. During Shemoneh Esrei, you should try to think about it throughout all of Shemoneh Esrei – according to your capabilities. Rav Chaim Brisker said that during Shemoneh Esrei if one doesn’t think that he’s standing in front of the King, he hasn’t fulfilled Shemoneh Esrei, and that is why a drunkard is exempt from davening, because he can’t think that he’s in front of the King when he’s davening.
24) Can a person daven that he shouldn’t go through katnus (times where he feels no inspiration)? Is katnus an inevitable reality or can a person’s tefillos help for this?
Yes, it is like davening for a spiritual miracle to happen [when is permitted]. Our tefillos should be that we should have less katnus, less quantity and superficiality, and that we should have more gadlus – more quality in our avodas Hashem. But that is at the beginning when we start to serve Hashem. At a later point, there is always “A tzaddik falls seven times and rises”. That is the process of avodas Hashem – but, it can all be gadlus, it is all growth, and it is just that sometimes there are ups and downs within our growth of gadlus.
25) How much of my learning time do I need to give up in order to answer others’ questions when they come over to ask me questions on the Gemara? Is there a limit to it, or should I just have emunah in Hashem that He will help me learn even though I’m using most of my learning time to help others with their questions?
As long as you can easily return to your learning and to your own ruchniyus, you can give of your time to others and you don’t need to be concerned that it’s wasting your time.
26) How does a person work on davening better and understanding how tefillah works and what he’s saying, etc.?
Think about the words of davening and internalize it in your heart, by thinking about it and by saying the words. And learn the words of Chazal on the subject of tefillah.
27) Should a 15-year old bochur learn sefarim that describe punishments of Gehinnom, for example, Sefer Shevet Mussar?
Yes, but he should also learn about ahavas Hashem (to love Hashem).
28) If I see people doing the right thing am I supposed to give them mussar, even though they will get angry or it will make them uncomfortable? And what is the proper way to rebuke others?
Only give mussar if they will be willing to accept the criticism.
29) Why is shemiras einayim (guarding our eyes) so important and how does it hold a person back from succeeding at learning?
The eye, which contains our sense of vision, is the most spiritual of all the senses. The eyes reveal our inner thoughts, and that is why the Gedolim are called the “eyes of the congregation”. When a person damages his vision by looking at what he shouldn’t, he damages his pure thinking, and his entire Torah learning will be missing something (because Torah learning utilizes our power of thought). Even worse, though, is that from being careless about what one looks at, one can come to actual tumah (defiling his holiness) because the Gemara says that if a person thinks about lewd things during the day, he will come to tumah at night. Also, the root of evil is when we don’t guard our eyes, and that is the true meaning of ayin ra, a bad eye, and when one damages his eyes by looking at what he shouldn’t, he becomes connected with all the evil forces in Creation – the root of the destruction of all the higher worlds.
30) Should a person be nervous about bittul Torah?
One should try to utilize every moment correctly, but he should do so amidst pleasantness.
31) If a person feels that he’s not missing anything if Mashiach isn’t here, is that kefirah (denying one of the principles of faith)?
The Rambam says that if a person doesn’t await Mashiach, he is missing one of the 13 principles of faith.
32) How much time of the day should a person spend on learning mussar?
About a half-hour, and never more than an hour, a day.
33) Which mussar sefer should a person learn?
Nefesh HaChaim shaar IV.
34) When we make a Siyum who do we make a seudas mitzvah with a lot of food? Since it’s about something ruchniyus shouldn’t we instead celebrate it with less gashmiyus?
The ohr, the light of the ruchniyus of making a Siyum, purifies the gashmiyus of eating the festival meal there. That is why it’s a seudas mitzvah. The purpose of ruchniyus is to bring the light of the Shechinah down to the physical realm, where the ruchniyus purifies the gashmiyus.
35) What is the gain of going to an Oneg Shabbos, going to a Tisch or going to a Simchas Beis HaShoeivah? When is it called bittul Torah and when is it not bittul Torah?
As long as a person gets an aliyah (he goes higher) in his ruchniyus from it, and he needs it in order to learn better and it makes him feel closer to Hashem, it is not bittul Torah.
36) The sefarim say all kinds of kavanos and different names of Hashem which enable a person to be saved from improper thoughts and other things. Why would having in mind these thoughts accomplish such awesome effects?
Just as there segulos (spiritual charms) that can affect physical things, so are there segulos that can affect our ruchniyus, our spiritual area. However, segulos to improve our ruchniyus don’t build a person and they only aid him temporarily. So the main thing is to build up our ruchniyus properly.
37) How can it be that Elul is called Ani l’Dodi v’Dodi Li, which implies a love for Hashem, but it is also called Yomim Noraim, which implies being afraid of Hashem?
The word “Nora” is the trait of Yaakov Avinu, which is the trait of shleimus, the trait that comprises ahavah and yirah together – and that is the pnimiyus, the essence, behind all of these days of Yomim Noraim.
38) The beginning of Mesilas Yesharim says, “Chazal taught us…” that the purpose of the world is to come to the spiritual bliss of becoming connected with Hashem. Where is this Chazal?
The Torah says “And you shall cling to Him”, and Raboseinu (our teachers) explained that d’veykus (clinging to Hashem) is through the pleasure that comes from being close to Hashem. It is written “Then you will find bliss in Hashem”, and this is referring to the level of the future (the World To Come), but on This World we have the concept of oneg Shabbos, which is a semblance of the World To Come.
39) Should a 15-year old bochur do hisbodedus?
For a few minutes a day. He can do it even mentally. It all depends on the circumstances and the place he is in.
40) In yeshivah I sometimes am inclined to have a Taanis Dibbur (to abstain from talking) on Shabbos. Should I not do this, because I’m being different from everyone else? Or should I not be concerned about this (I really enjoy Taanis Dibbur because then I am saved from wasting so much learning time from talking to others).
You should be concerned.
41) Is it better to avoid the learning programs which give out prizes like money or sefarim for doing well on the tests? If I join such programs I feel that I will remember by learning better, plus the tests will help me review my learning. However, I would be reviewing my learning anyway even if I wouldn’t take the test. Also, there are other learning programs which I want to join [i.e. Hilchos Shabbos programs] because it covers other areas of learning that I won’t be able to cover in yeshiva, and I won’t have time to learn those things if I don’t join these programs, even though I really want to learn those other areas. Should I join those other learning programs?
If it will help you learn better, then go for it, but bear in mind the rule of Chazal is that you try to grab too much then you will only gain a little, whereas if you try to get a little more, then you will gain a lot.