December 7, 2021


1) Now that we are in the time of the “final sorting process” [birur hanefashos], does that mean that we are in the midst of a process that is showing who is really from Klal Yisrael and who is really from the Erev Rav?


QUESTION 2) Besides for Internet, is there anything else that is the 50th level of tumah?
ANSWER The root of the 50th level of tumah, is this device (internet).
QUESTION 3) Those who remain chas v’shalom connected to the 50th level of tumah [through internet use] and to the Erev Rav – does that mean that it is revealed “retroactively” that they were never part of the Jewish people in the first place? Or does it mean that they are really Jewish neshamos who have “fallen” into the side of the Erev Rav?
ANSWER If they remain intrinsically connected [to the 50th level of tumah, the internet], it becomes revealed “retroactively” that they were never part of the Jewish people.
QUESTION 4) If any Jews don’t withstand the final test (the internet) and they fall into the 50th level of tumah which makes them “fall into the side of the Erev Rav” (chas v’shalom) and they can’t get into Olam HaBa, since they are really Jews and it’s just that they have fallen in with the Erev Rav, will they still get into Olam HaBa at a later time, such as after the 7th or 8th century, etc.?
ANSWER If they have merely “fallen” into the side of the Erev Rav [meaning that they didn’t become intrinsically and emotionally connected to the Internet], then it is very possible that they can get eventually get into Olam HaBa.
QUESTION 5) How can it be that a Jewish neshamah can become the Erev Rav? It is because the final test reveals “retroactively” who is really part of the Jewish people and who really isn’t..?
ANSWER Same as answer to 3.
QUESTION 6) The Rav quoted sefer HaDor HaAcharon which says that even Gedolim leading the generation can be from the Erev Rav (scary) – does that mean that they can actually have an “Erev Rav” soul, or does it mean that they just have a “spark” of Erev Rav in their soul, a “part” in them that’s Erev Rav (pure evil) but not that their entire soul is Erev Rav…?
ANSWER It can be either [In some cases it can be a mere ‘spark’ of Erev Rav in their soul, and in other cases it can be that they can have an actual Erev Rav soul].
QUESTION 7) What does it mean that Internet use connects a person to the 50th level of tumah? If a person sticks a smartphone in my face to show me a video or a picture (I am not talking about something assur to look at, but something kosher), does that mean that I am becoming connected to 50th level of tumah just for looking at someone else’s phone for a few moments?
ANSWER It depends on if a person forms an emotional, inner connection to Internet or not (if he feels connected to it in his very soul, or not).