December 9, 2021


1) The Rambam says in Moreh Nevuchim that Christianity and Muslim exist in order to make Hashem’s Name known throughout the world. Sefer Tzror HaMor says that the purpose of these religions is so that the Jewish people won’t look strange to the rest of the world for being religious (since there are other religions in the world too) so that the world will leave them alone and let them do the mitzvos. But what’s hard to understand is, that how can this be if Hashem doesn’t want these religions? Christianity is idol worship, the very opposite of His will. Why then did Hashem choose that these other religions are making Hashem known in the world if these religions are in error and destined for destruction (especially because they do not even keep the 7 Noachide laws)? (I could perhaps understand how Hashem’s Name is revealed on the world through Islam, since they don’t worship idols, and even though they murder and steal, that’s their choice and it’s not what their religion is based on, but I don’t understand how Hashem becomes more revealed on the world through the idol-worshipping religion of Christianity.)


That is the whole depth of Creation: Even evil ends up revealing good. Even denial of G-d (kefirah) ends up revealing the concept of believing in Him (emunah). That is the whole purpose of Creation: “More light is revealed from darkness.”
2) We all came onto this world to fix the sin of Adam. But we only seem to be hurdling in the opposite direction of the world repair. We are not seeing any acceleration towards tikkun (repair) but only towards kilkul (devastation)! And we know that we are so close to Mashiach, so how will that happen if we don’t seem to be getting any closer to tikkun but only further away from it? And the general spiritual situation of the Jewish people right now, especially in chutz l’aretz, is the worst that is has ever been at. And we also know of the concept that almost all neshamos today have come back to help the world achieve its tikkun, but it only seems that we are getting further from tikkun with increasing kilkul with no end in sight…
Refer to sefer Daas Tevunos, which explains why it has to be this way - that all evil breaks out in all of its intensity in the end of days.