December 24, 2021


According to one approach, not everyone will be zocheh to see Mashiach, and there will be a sorting process to determine who is from the tzaddikim and who is from the reshaim. There is also the approach of Chassidus, that since all of the Jewish have a portion in the World To Come, the final Redemption will be the complete Redemption which every Jew will be zocheh to.
How should we understand these two different views? Is it an argument at face-value about who will make it to the Geulah or not, or can both views be true?


Both views are true. The era of Mashiach will be the beginning of a process, which starts at the end of the 6th century and carries on into the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th centuries. In the end of everything, everyone will be zocheh (worthy). But each person will be zocheh only in the parts of their soul that weren’t damaged – or in the parts that were damaged and later fixed. In each century, only those who are deserving of that century will be zocheh to that century. The 10th century, which corresponds to the Yechidah level of the soul, is where everyone is zocheh, because it is the [century that corresponds to the] part of the soul which can never become damaged.