December 24, 2021


What should be our attitude about those who want to pray at the Kosel with mixed gatherings of men and women – does Hashem want that they should still come to Him and daven, even in such a manner, since they desire so much to daven to Him (and they don’t know the Torah so they don’t even know that it’s wrong? Or does Hashem not desire such prayers since it is coming through a sin?


This mixture (taaruvos) is rooted in the “root of the Erev Rav”, which means taaruvos rabbah, a “huge mixture”. That is why they want to be in this place precisely, a place where the Shechinah has never left, and it is called the Kosel Maaravi (from the word erev, mixed) because it is the place where all the forces of holiness in the world are mixed together! [Thus their evil “mixture” is the impurity that is trying to counter the holy “mixture” that is the Kosel].