December 24, 2021


I don’t understand what the purpose of Christianity was in the history of the world. Can the Rav explain from the inner dimension of Torah what the purpose of Yeshu (Jesus) was?


Rashi (Yirmiyahu 31,5) says the Christians (Notzrim) would stand atop the buildings and call out with their voices that so they could be heard from afar, and Notzrim is also from the term Notzar Chesed l’alafim, “He creates kindness for thousands of generations.” Thus the Notzrim/Christians draw their vitality from Notzar Chessed l’alafim. The halachic status of the Christians is discussed in Rambam Hilchos Avodah Zarah 9:4, Maachalos Asuros 1:7, and Peirush Mishnayos Avodah Zarah 1:3, Hilchos Melachim 11 (in which the Rambam explains that the Christian religion has a part in bringing knowledge of G-d into the world). See Teshuvos V’Hanhagos III:317. Rashi in many places says that “minim” (heretics) are the students of Yeshu. See Berachos 12b and Rosh HaShanah 17a and Yoma 40b, and Rashi ibid. (However, the term minim is explained differently by Tosafos on Avodah Zarah 2a, Shu”t Rashi 327, Rabeinu Yeruchem 17, Meiri on Avodah Zarah 8a, Beer HaGolah Choshen Mishpat 266:2, 425:300, and Shu”t Yaavetz 41).
The Gemara in Sanhedrin 43a says that Yeshu haNotzri was stoned because he did sorcery and he misled Jews into sinning with him. The entire story is recorded in Sotah 47a.
The root of Christianity is in Edom/Esav (Sefer HaIkaraim, IV, 42). See Sefer HaMaspik L’Ovdei Hashem (Beraishis 25:23), “At the end of the era of the second Beis HaMikdash, when the Jews were weak, Edom gained power, and they were the cause for the destruction of the second Beis HaMikdash, which Dovid prophesied about: “Remember Hashem what the children Edom did on the day of Jerusalem”, meaning the founders of Christianity after Yeshu (may his name be erased) had been dead for several years already, thus all the Christians are called Edom. See Abarbanel (Yeshayah 35), “All the Christians who believe in the religion of Yeshu are, without a doubt, the children of Edom, the children of Esav.” And Since Yeshu was born under the mazal of Maadim (Mars), the bloodshed [of Jews at the hands of the Christians] was all on his head.”
Esav/Edom was the opposition to Yaakov, and this opposition began when Yaakov and Esav clashed in their mother’s womb. Edom/Esav also is the counterforce to Yosef, who is called the oppressor to Esav. Esav opposed Yaakov, and Yeshu was the opposition to Yosef. Thus the Christians founded a “new testament” in order to counter the true covenant – the trait of Yosef. Yeshu’s name is Yesh and vov, a hint to yud shin, which hints to 310 worlds of every tzaddik, and the letter vov hints to the sign of the holy covenant (Bris Kodesh) which has the shape of the letter vov, 6, corresponding to Yosef. That is why Yeshu died on the sixth day of the week (Otzar Midrashim).
Yeshu’s father was a man named Yosef ben Pandira, and his mother’s name was Miriam. (See Sefer HaGematrios of Reb Yehuda HaChassid, parshas Eikev). The primary trait of Yosef was that he unified together the heavens with the earth, the fusion of spiritual with the physical. In contrast, the Christians claimed heretically that the Torah given at Sinai had its time until Yeshu came, and that Yeshu had said that until now the Torah applied physically and now the Torah was to be understood only spiritually. The Sefer HaGematrios (ibid) also says that Yeshu is the “damage to the holy covenant”. Understand well another thing, that Yeshu is the kelipah to Mashiach ben Yosef (in the sense of being the exchange given to the harlot) and also the kelipah to Mashiach ben Dovid (in the sense of being in exchange for a dog donated as a sacrifice). Piskei Riaz (Sanhedrin 1:3) says that Yeshu HaNotzri’s name was Yehoshua, and the Sages give him the nickname Yeshu. Piskei Rid (Sanhedrin 63b) says that Yeshu HaNotzri’s name was Yeshua, and he was called Yeshu as a derogatory name. Yeshua is the kelipah to Yehoshua ben Nun, who came from the tribe of Yosef. Sefer Ginzei Ramchal (104) says that the secret of Yeravam was that he could have become Mashiach ben Yosef, and this is connected to the kelipah of Yeshu.
The concept of the view of Christianity (and there are several groups within them, with different beliefs) is explained in Sefer HaIkarim (III, 25) that “The teachings of Yeshu HaNotzri were that the Deity (G-d) is comprised of Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit and that they are all one.” This is really the kelipah to the concept of “Three ties are bound with each other, Hashem, the Torah, and Yisrael. And, by extension, it is also the kelipah to the triad of Moshe and the two redeemers. The kelipah that is Yeshu is the kelipah to Mashiach. Thus the Christians hint to Yeshu as their Messiah, from the verse, “Until Shiloh comes”, which they thought is referring to Yeshu. Chazal said on this verse that “Shiloh” is referring to Moshe.
The Ramchal says in Adir B’Marom (p.463) that Yeshu was [a reincarnation of] Zimri, and Moshe was buried in Beis Peor in order to repair Zimri, for Moshe is the holy three-fold connection [of Hashem, the Torah, and the Jewish people]. Yeshu is judged in boiling hot dung (Gittin 57a) which resembles the idol worship of Peor, which was served with human waste. The crown of Dovid was buried there, symbolizing the connection between Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach ben Dovid, which is through Moshe.