January 11, 2022


Is it possible to summarize all of the basic views the different Kaballists throughout the generations, and what the primary fundamental was in each view? Is the bulk of Kaballah limited to the views of the Remak, the Arizal (which divide into the teachings of the Rav Chaim Vital and the Mahari Sruk), the Ramchal, and Gra… or was there more than that?


1) This is a very lengthy matter, and I will give a very brief response (b’siyata d’shmaya).
The Remak (Rabbi Moshe Cordovo) taught about the Olam HaTohu (the dimension of chaos), and he also collected together most of the wisdom of Kaballah that had been revealed up until his generation [in the early 1500’s].
The Arizal (Rabbi Yitzchok Luria) taught about the Olam HaTikkun (the world of repair). His two primary students each taught the Arizal’s revelations in a different way. His student Rabbi Chaim Vital taught the Arizal’s words in terms of ayin (the negation of physical existence), also known as the secret of the chalal (the void), whereas his other student, the Mahari Sruk, taught the Arizal’s words in terms of Yeish (the revelation of a newer level of existence), also known as the secret of the kav (the line of the Infinite Light which runs through the void that is our Creation).
The Ramchal (Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzatto) taught about the Toras HaYichud, the secrets of yichud Hashem, revealing Hashem’s oneness on the world.
The Gra (the Vilna Gaon, Rabbi Eliyahu Kramer) connected all of the Torah together with precision, which led to novel Torah insights that he connected together with the teachings of the Ramchal.
Chassidus [revealed through the Baal Shem Tov and his students] explained the teachings of Kaballah in terms of how they apply to the human soul, in great detail, revealing the “secret of secrets” (razin d’razin), the “secret of Hashem’s oneness”.
The Reshash (Rabbi Shalom Sharabi of the 16th century) taught the secret of how all of the different realms and dimensions are unified together.
The Leshem (Rabbi Shlomo Elyashiv of the 19th century) showed how the higher and lower dimensions parallel each other, and accordingly he showed how all details are connected together, and how it all forms one complete structure.
The Sulam (mid-1900’s) taught about the “refracted light” (ohr chozer) that results from the Arizal’s teachings.
2) Does a person need to learn Kaballah both according to the views of the Gra and the views of Chassidus?
Yes – each person according to the view that matches their personal soul root, and according to their level and ability.
3) Is a person supposed to begin Kaballah by learning the Gra’s approach or by starting with the approach of Chassidus?
Either way is possible.
4) There are sefarim today which collect all of the Gra’s teachings on Kaballah into one sefer, is it recommended to learn such sefarim or should I only learn the Gra’s actual writings?
Since the Gra’s words are spread out and scattered, and they were not organized together (unlike the teachings of the Ramchal and the Remak, which are organized), it is recommended to learn such sefarim which organize together all of the different teachings of the Gra.