February 13, 2022


I suffer from chronic headaches. Sometimes it can go for 12 hours straight and sometimes it even goes for 24 hours and even longer. Lately I am getting these headaches the entire day. What is my avodah when the headaches come?


In general, the way to deal with any physical suffering is to accept the suffering with emunah, with love for Hashem, and this creates a deep connection to Hashem. Become connected to the power of your soul to be contracted (tzimtzum) where it focuses on specific areas. You can also use the pain to connect to the deep feelings of the soul. Also, the pain is purifying the body and helping you detach from This World.
With regards to headaches specifically, the avodah is to connect your thoughts to a place of pshitus (simplicity), to simple and non-complex kinds of thoughts. When you are pain it is harder to think about anything complex and analytical, and it is easier then to think about things that are simpler and not complex.