February 13, 2022


1) It’s common today for even frum women to work in an office mixed with men. Is a woman allowed to work in such a place, if she has no other job options? Is it fine if her husband is in Kolel and she is working there in order to financially support his learning? 2) Also, what’s considered a mixed office? If she works alone in a separate room is that okay?


1) This is something that has greatly ‘cooled off’ a woman’s entire ruchniyus. There were some cases where it even led to actual arayos (illicit behavior). In order for her husband to learn Torah in its purity, it will not come from a job that contains tumah, even if there are no other job options for her. Exact parameters cannot be given here, and it would have to be decided by one who is wise and understanding in accordance with daas Torah. 2) Sometimes even a separate room within the office is problematic, because a woman still has to be involved practically with the men who work at the office, and there can also be emotional connections that are created between the men and women in the office. And even just being involved practically with men by doing work for each other is already an element that can greatly cool off her Yiddishkeit [making her lose her sensitivity towards ruchniyus].