June 20, 2022


1) Can emotional issues cause a woman to miscarry (whether she has experienced certain emotional issues in the past or whether she is currently experiencing them)? 2) If yes, then what is the nature of the connection between a woman’s emotional state and her fetus? 3) Is this the same for all women? 4) How can a woman know what particular emotional issue she went through or is currently going through which caused her to miscarry?


1) Sometimes, yes [an emotional issue can cause a woman to miscarry]. 2) It depends on what exactly she has gone through or is currently going through [certain issues can be intense enough to bring on a miscarriage, whereas other emotional issues are not intense enough to cause her to miscarry]. 3) This is an example of a question that’s very hard to answer. 3) The connection between a mother and her fetus is not the same in every woman. 4) Just as it is sometimes easy to see how Hashem is acting middah k’neged middah (measure for measure) and sometimes it is not easy to see how, so is it the same when it comes to this [sometimes it is easy to know what issue caused it, and sometimes it is difficult to know what caused it].