June 20, 2022


The Rav explained that the “voice of Eliyahu” which precedes Mashiach’s arrival is currently being revealed today on an inner level, via the secrets of Torah which are available to those who purify themselves inwardly, and with the closer we get to Mashiach, the more clearly we can have access to this “voice of Eliyahu” which is the secrets of Torah. Is this only for people on a high level or can anyone today reach it?


On any level, one can find a degree of “Eliyahu”, and that is when any spiritual level becomes revealed to a person (because Eliyahu implies revelation).
This concept is described by the Chovos HaLevovos (Gate VIII:3) who writes, “Hashem can be found in one’s inner recesses, and one can see Him with his mind’s eye.”