Summary of Fixing Middos Through 4 Elements [#14554]

August 19, 2021


Can the Rav summarize how each of the bad middos (sadness, laziness, lust, idle speech, conceit, anger) coming from the 4 elements (earth, water, wind and fire) can be repaired through using their opposite elements?


The opposite of gaavah/conceitedness (a trait that comes from fire) is: humility and feeling lowered, which is rooted in the element of water, because water descends downwards from a high place to a low place.

The opposite of anger (a trait that comes from fire) is: patience, which is the element of earth – the ability to remain unfazed and unreactive (at least not that easily).

The opposite of idle speech (a trait that comes from wind) is: silence, which is the element of earth, to be unmoving.

The opposite of lusts (a trait that comes from water) is to use the element of fire, by burning up and destroying one’s desire for something.

The opposite of sadness (a trait of earth) is: joy, which uses the element of fire.

The opposite of laziness (a trait of earth) is: to use the element of wind, the ability to move lightly and easily.